Monday, May 7, 2007

Dog shit nightmare

Following my stay in perfect Singapore "the Asian Switzerland" , I was shocked coming back to Paris by the noise, the pollution and the speed at which people are living their lifes.

After over 6 weeks, I still cannot get used to the pace of living in Paris.

As I headed toward the Metro to go to work early April, I was first welcome by the smell of the sewer, the filth of parisian public transport...As I went from the metro to the RER I was shocked by the number of dog shits lying around!!! I had never paid much attention to those things before probably because I was so used to them.

Having lived in Singapore has changed my perception quite dramatically and I realise now how dirty Paris really is and how uncivilised many Parisians are when it comes to managing their best friend's droppings!

I arrived at work after 1 hour spent in the tube/train/bus, totally exhausted and stressed.

For those who know me, this will sound quite unbelievable but I have decided that I want to move out of Paris. Even though I still enjoy the city in many ways, it is time for me to find a bigger place, closer to work, with a decent kitchen, in a more quiet area where my plants are not going to die within minutes of being put on the mini balcony. I'll keep you posted!

Before I go, I wanted to share with you 2 videos on the subject mentionned in the title...

I hope you are all OK. Bonne semaine à tous :-)

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Ha! everything is relative!! To me, your touristy (and thus clean) neighbourhood in Paris is much more like Singapore or Switzerland than the 15th, where you cannot look up at all otherwise you would constantly be stepping in poop!! it's one big outdoor doggy toilet =)
You are right about the Parisians lack of respect for others!
Good luck for the apartment hunt and kudos for finding those great videaos for your blog!!