Saturday, April 21, 2007

Welcome to my new blog !!

As I return to Paris after 6 months spent in Singapore, I wanted to find a way to keep all my friends and family posted on what is going on in my life.

My friend Cathy has always been a source of inspiration. I have been reading her blog on a regular basis for the past 2 years (if you want to have a laugh, please read the post called "Berber humor" on and found it a fun way to keep in touch with everyone.

Those of you who know my passion for IT matters and the fact that 6 months ago, I did not even own a computer will be amazed...

I decided to write in English so everyone can read and understand (hopefully) but please bear in mind that this is not my mother tongue... so forgive any spelling mistake and/or inappropriate use of words. "Zis" will be part of my froggy charm....

1 comment:

mirka said...

Hi Emma,
Even though it's virtual, it's good to here from you ;) so now, I'm looking forward to see you again twice over :).Kamir